Christmas Day, 3PM. My dad comes back home to find his laptop blurting out that it has discovered a virus.
Now normally, any person who finds a virus on his computer would simply scan the computer, destroy the virus and carry on with life. Not my dad.
When he saw that his laptop had a virus, he went berserk. Not only was he naturally paranoid, but add on top that the laptop was a new Sony Vaio costing more than 2500 JDs, you have total mayhem.
"Who used my computer when I wasn't here?!" my dad bellows. Everyone looks at each other nervously. He later finds out that mum was using it to scan her papers. We start reading al-Fateha on my mum's soul. :D
My dad didn't stop there. He started searching the computer, only to find that Paypal's website had been opened a few minutes ago. My dad suspects everything, and even though a virus has nothing to do with Paypal, he started screaming.
D: Who opened Paypal four minutes ago?!
K: Erm, I did. I wanted to check how much-
D: That's it! Paypal gave me a virus!! All because of you, Khaled!!
K: That's impossible, you can't get a virus from-
K: But...
K: Ok, ok.
So now, my dad is going to get us our own scanner, going to lock up his office, and install yet more security software. Ever seen more paranoid people?