Monday, January 26, 2009

Back From Nablus

I am back from my three week journey to Nablus. Although I did not post much, I did have a good time visiting relative after relative, especially enjoying the deserts they would serve.

Moving on, I decided to try out something new in my life. I have always loved the world of robots, and I joined the Jordan First Lego League competition in my old school. In it we would design a Lego Mindstorms robot to complete a task of missions and compete against other schools in the country, as well as a few from other Arab countries.

When I left the school a few years ago, I had no chance to practice my robotic skills. In some way I still thought of the idea of robotics and began saving up for one myself. I thought, I had bought an Xbox 360 and five games, but these weren't educational and were for my entertainment only.

So today I returned from my trip and counted my money, asked my father - who is currently in London - to order it, and he did so from the Lego website. Hopefully I will be able to review it for my blog readers as soon as I get it, although from my experience this Lego kit is very entertaining as it is educational.

And to finish off, a picture of one the models of the robot, named NXT.


  1. yay sounds very interesting!

  2. I have something a bit similar...Mecano if you've ever heard of it. But you don't programme anything on it :)
